Friday 10 October 2008


Excerpts from the superb McSweeney's compendium, Created In Darkness by Troubled Americans.

A man walks into a bar. He has a few drinks and chats with the bartender. Later that night, he goes home alone and reflects on the poor decisions he's made in life.

A mand and a woman are crossing the desert. They find a lamp in the sand. The man rubs the lamp and nothing happens. Afterwards, he feels a bit foolish.

A man is driving down a country road at night when his car gets a flat tire.
He stops by a local farmhouse and asks the owner if he can stay there for the night.
'Sure,' says the farmer. 'As long as you don't touch my three beautiful daughters.'
The man did as he was told because, frankly, he didn't find the girls nearly as attractive as their father seemed to.
(from 'The Newest From Jokeland' - Brodie H. Brockie and R.J. White)

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